Photo of Tina, Kay, and Tabitha at NEURON 2014Photo of Sarthak and Tommy at Frontiers 2014Photo of Tommy and Tori at NEURON 2014Photo of Lab at NEURON 2014Photo of Mentor Connection 2014Photo of Tori at Frontiers 2014Photo of Greg, Steph, and Xiao at NEURON 2014Photo at SfN 2014Photo of Kay at Frontiers 2014Photo of Etan, Yezmin, and Tabitha at Frontiers 2014Photo of Jinah at SfN 2014

About Us

The Markus Lab at the University of Connecticut works with rat populations to study aging, memory encoding, neural network representation, and competition between brain systems.

We are interested in understanding how an experience gets "turned into" a memory. Our lab focuses on how networks of neurons process and represent information. Clinical finding in humans show that the hippocampus and related structures are crucial for encoding the "what, when, and where" of an experience and forming long-lasting memories. Similar results are seen in rats. We test rats on a variety of memory tasks together with an examination of the activity of the neurons in their hippocampus.

This work is supported by the University of Connecticut Research Foundation; Claude Pepper - Research Development Core; the National Science Foundation (NSF); and the National Institute on Aging (NIA). We are very appreciative of this support!

Contact Dr. Etan Markus

Phone: (860) 486-4588
Address: Office: Bousfield 100

Department of Psychology
406 Babbidge Road, Unit 1020
University of Connecticut
Storrs, CT 06269-1020