Etan J. Markus
Professor and Associate Department Head for Graduate Studies
University Address
Behavioral Neuroscience Division, Department of Psychology
406 Babbidge Road, Unit-1020 University of Connecticut
Storrs, CT 06269 – 1020
Office: Bousfield 100
Tel: (860) 486 – 4588; FAX: (860) 486 – 2760
Precollege Program: Psychology & Neuroscience
UCONN Brain&Behavior@TAU: TelAviv Summer Psychology/Neuroscience Program
Markus PSYC2209 Website – Learning & memory: From Brain to Behavior
- Graduate – Connaught Scholarship; Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Scholarship; University of Toronto Open Fellowship; Wilford George Scott Fellowship (in Aging)
- Postdoc – Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council of Canada
- UConn – Univ. Research Foundation; NIH/NIA First Award; Claude Pepper – Research Development Core; NSF
- Other – Psi Chi award for “Outstanding Advising in Psychology”; NorthEast Under/graduate Research Organization for Neuroscience award for “Excellence in Scholarship and Mentorship”; AAUP “Teaching Excellence Career Award”; CLAS “Excellence in Teaching Award”; UCONN Office of Undergraduate Research “Faculty Mentorship Excellence Award”; NIH NRSA to Jennifer Tropp; Tara Jacobson and Jonathan Oler each recipient of Walter E. Hildick Prize for Innovation in Neuroscience
- PSYC 2500: Learning
- PSYC 2209: Learning and Memory: From Brain to Behavior
PSYC 3250W: Laboratory in Animal Behavior and Learning;
PSYC 5251: Neural Foundations of Learning and Memory;
PSYC 5285: Neurobiology of Aging: Changes in Cognitive Processes; - PSYC 298 Aging: From Cell to Society;
PSYC 358: Neuroscience (co-organizer)